Owner • Artist • Teacher • Consultant
Artula Institute - (541) 250-1140

BORN 1957, Portland, Oregon

EDUCATION M.S. Education, emphasis in Art Education,
Portland State University, l990
B.S. Education, University of Utah, l984

CERTIFICATION Continuing Teaching Certificate, Washington State

ENDORSEMENTS K-12 Art, K-8 Elementary, Early Childhood


2003 - present Instructor, children and adults, Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon.

1991 - 2006 Visual Arts and Creative Dance Teacher, grades K-5, Vancouver School District.

1996 - 2000 Visual Arts teacher, Vancouver School of Arts and Academics, grades 6-12. Vancouver School District, Vancouver, Washington.

1989 - 1991 Visual Arts Teacher, grades K-5, Buckman Elementary School Arts Magnet, Portland, Oregon.

1986 - 1988 Instructor, adults, Portland State University School of Education, Portland, Oregon.

1980 - 1983 Art Teacher, grades K-5, Rowland Hall Saint Marks School, Salt Lake City, Utah.


2000 - present Freelance Arts Education Consultant for private and public education institutions including school districts, museums, hospitals, businesses, private schools and parks and recreation programs for children, teenagers, adults and senior citizens. Lead art education workshops, slide lectures, teacher training, etc. Specializing in visual literacy, creative problem solving, art history and articulating the links between the arts and other subject areas.

2000- 2002 Art Education Consultant for Portland Public Schools. Lead professional development workshops for teachers grades K-12

2001 Oregon Teachers Art Institute, member of design team and instructor for teachers. Oregon Department of Education at Western Oregon University, Monmouth, Oregon.

1996 - 1998 Visual Arts Workshop teacher, grades 5-12, Vancouver School of Arts and Academics, Vancouver, Washington.

1995 - 1997 Multi-Arts teacher, weaving, set design, sculpture, grades 2-12, Willowbrook Summer Arts Camp, Tualatin, Oregon.

1989 Staff Instructor, adults, Oregon Art Institute, Discipline-Based Art Education (DBAE), Summer Institute sponsored by Portland Public Schools, Portland, Oregon and Getty Institute.

1988 - 1989 TAG Instructor, grades 1-5, Portland Public Schools Talented and Gifted program, Portland, Oregon.

1988, 1991 Art and Dance Instructor, grades K-5, Johansen School of Ballet, Olympia, Washington.

1987 Art Instructor, grades K-5, Riverdale Community School, Portland, Oregon.

1986 Art Instructor, pre-K, youth and adult, Multnomah Art Center, Portland, Oregon

1986 Art Instructor, grades 1-8, Catlin Gabel School summer youth camp, Portland, Oregon.

1986 Artist-in-Residence, grades K-5, Oregon Artists-in-Education Program, Southwestern Oregon. Two schools.

1985 Art Instructor and Workshop coordinator, Grades K-8, Coos Art Museum, Coos Bay, Oregon.

1985 Art Teacher, grades 5-12, Camp Sea Clef, South Slough Sanctuary, Charleston, Oregon.

1984 Art Teacher, adults, Work Activity Center, Gold Beach, Oregon. Hands-on workshop for developmentally disabled adults.

1983 Art Teacher, grades 5-8, Rowland Hall Saint Marks School, Salt Lake City, Utah. Paper Arts workshop.

1978 - 1979 Art Teacher, grades K-8, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, Utah.

1978 Ceramics Instructor, grades K-8, Stone Age Crafts, Salt Lake City, Utah.

1977 Art Instructor, grades 1-12, Salt Lake Art Center, Salt Lake City, Utah.

1976 Performing Arts Instructor, grades K-5, State Capitol Museum, Olympia, Washington.


2006 "Art for Occupational and Physical Therapists", workshop presenter, Vancouver Children's Therapy Center, Vancouver, Washington.

2006, "Art for the Blind and Visually Impaired", professional development workshop and materials, Washington Sate School for the Blind, Vancouver Washington.

2005 "Mixed Media Art Workshop", designer and presenter,
NIKE Corporation, Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon.

2004 “Art Beat Festival”, slide lecture on current artwork. Portland Community College, Portland, Oregon.

2003 Oregon Biennial 2003, presenter for patron tour, Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon.

2001 “Arts Time”, Washington State conference, art and math workshop presenter, Tukwilla, Washington.

2001 “Arts in Education”, workshop presenter, Oregon Department of Education, Salem, Oregon.

2000 - 2003 “Math/Art” workshops for elementary teachers, Vancouver School District, Vancouver, Washington.

2000 “Arts Essential Learnings”, workshops for K-12 teachers, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon.

1999 “Math/Art Connections”, workshops for teachers, DaVinci Middle School, Portland, Oregon.

1998 - 1999 “Integrating Math, Reading and Writing with the Arts:
WASL Art Links”, class for K-5 teachers, Vancouver School District Visual and Performing Arts Department, Vancouver, Washington.

1992 “Dance Educators Association of Washington”, presenter and teacher of integrated arts workshop, Seattle, Washington.

1990 “Public Forum on the Arts”, panel member, presenter. Town hall meeting led by congressman Ron Wyden, Portland, Oregon.

1987 “Aesthetics: Visual Arts in the Classroom”, Portland Public Schools, Portland, Oregon. A six week course for educators at Atkinson Elementary School.

1986 - 1988 “Aesthetic Education”, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon. Seminars, slide lectures and participatory workshops in visual and performing arts for K - 12 teachers in the Art and Education Department.

1986 “It’s Art and More...”, Oregon Association for the Education of Young Children, Diversity in Childhood Conference, Portland, Oregon. Slide lectures.

1985 “Art in Special Education”, Coos County Educational Service District, Coos Bay, Oregon. Slide lecture a hands-on workshop for teachers.

1984 “Developing Creative Minds: Teaching Art in the Classroom”, Coos Art Museum, Coos Bay, Oregon. Slides lecture and hands-on workshop for teachers.

1982 “The Aesthetic Eye: Conference for Parents and Teachers”, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Slide lectures.

1982 “Teaching Integrated Arts”, Jordan School District, West Jordan, Utah. Slide lectures for educators.

1981 -1982 “Art in the Elementary Classroom”, Graduate School of Education, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Slide lectures and workshops for education students.

2006 “Four Haseltines II”
-Childhood’s End Gallery, Olympia, Washington
2005 “Undiscovered Worlds”
-Glen and Viola Walters Cultural Art
Center, Hillsboro, Oregon
2004 “Past/Present”
-Archer Gallery, Vancouver, Washington
2003 “Oregon Biennial”
-Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon
2003 “The Continuing Thread, Five Contemporary fiber artists”
-Archer Gallery, Vancouver, Washington
2003 Group Exhibit
-White Bird Gallery, Cannon Beach, Oregon
2002 “Sea Things”
-White Sturgeon Gallery, Vancouver, Washington
2002 “Anemone Anomalies”
-Charlee Deaton Gallery, Denver Colorado
2001 “Not Your Ordinary Art Show”
-Greystone Gallery, Portland Oregon
2000 “Four Haseltines”
-Childhood’s End Gallery, Olympia, Washington
1997 - 2000 “Faculty Show”
-VSAA Gallery, Vancouver, Washington
1985 - 1990, 2005, 2006
-Contemporary Crafts Gallery,
(items in the gift shop) Portland, Oregon
1986 “Instructors Show”
-Multnomah Art Center, Portland, Oregon
1983 “Utah ‘83”
-Salt Lake Art Center, Salt Lake City, Utah
1983 “Tanzan in Utah”
-Finch Lane Gallery, Salt Lake City, Utah
1983 “Xerox Open”
-Glendinning Gallery, Salt Lake City, Utah
1981 “The Grand Beehive Exhibition”
-Salt Lake Art Center and
Renwick Gallery, Smithsonian Institution


2005 - present Founder and owner of “Creative Art Supplies”.
Soon to be a nonprofit organization working with developmentally delayed adults and the visually impaired to process, package and sell art supplies for ages 4 and up. Our philosophy is the make the world a better place through recycling, innovation and creative problem solving. We offer unique Art Supplies to promote imagination and artistic exploration.

1983 - present Artist; exhibiting mixed fiber sculptures, lino-cut prints, paper arts and jewelry.

1998-2001 Gallery director, VSAA Gallery, Vancouver School of Arts and Academics, Vancouver, Washington.

1998 Installation artist and teacher, Vancouver School of Arts and Academics (VSAA), Vancouver, Washington.

1997 - 1998 Artist in residence program coordinator, VSAA, Vancouver, Washington.

1997 Installation artist and teacher, Japanese New Year kirigami VSAA, Vancouver, Washington.

1996 Installation artist and teacher, Paper Take Over! VSAA gallery, Vancouver, Washington.

1988 - 1989 Researcher, Portland Public Schools Research and Evaluation Department. Comparing Discipline Based Art Education (DBAE) and Non-DBAE classrooms.

1988 - 1989 Creator and owner of “Creative Art Supplies."

1988 - 1989 Supervisor and evaluator of Guest Artist Program for Portland Public Schools, multicultural Department.

1980 - 1981 Hospital Art Cart teacher, created a mobile art program for Primary Children’s Medical Center, Salt Lake City, Utah.

1979 - 1980 Graphic Designer, Instructional Media Services, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.

1977 - 1981 Cofounder, Trustee, Volunteer, LALLAPALOOZA-The Children’s Discovery Project, Salt Lake City, Utah. Presented outreach arts workshops for children and adults of all ages. Designed and developed educational art and science programs.

1978 - 1981 Designer, Organizer, Instructor, LALLAPALOOZA Children’s Area at the Utah Arts Festival. Designed multiple arts activities for ages 2 - 18. Coordinated large groups of volunteers.


2006 - present Volunteer, Washington State School for the Blind, Vocational Education Program, Vancouver, Washington.

2002 - present Artist-in-Residence, Washington State School for the Deaf, Vancouver, Washington. Teach after school art workshops and classes for students grade K-12.

2005 -present Volunteer, GATE program, Vancouver School District. Assist in job training program for developmentally disabled adults ages 18-21.

2000 - 2001 Volunteer, Mill Plain Tile project, Vancouver, Washington.

1995-1996 Volunteer, Northwest Children’s Theater Workshop, Portland, Oregon.

1992 - 2000 Volunteer Art and Creative Dance Teacher, Grades K - 12, and adults. Michael Servetes Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Vancouver.

1986 Volunteer, Artists-in-Education Program, consultant for artists in the classroom. Regional Arts Council & Contemporary Crafts Association, Portland Oregon.

1984 - 1985 Museum volunteer, coordinator of Art Programs for Youth, Coos Art Museum, Coos Bay, Oregon.

1982 Volunteer, Art Therapy, Shriners’ Hospital for Crippled Children, Salt Lake City, Utah.


Blake, Victoria, “Tactile reminders of tangible space”. The Oregonian, A&E magazine, Portland, Oregon, p. 39, July 29, 2005.

Boatwright, JoAnn, “July 5 reception opens Walters Center show”. Argus Focus, Hillsboro, Oregon, p. D1, June 30, 2005.

Jones, Tricia, “Clark College Art Scene”, The Columbian, Vancouver, Washington, March 1, 2005, pp. D1, D4.

Bacon, Gina, “Sea Life as Art”, Inspirations for your Home and Garden, The Columbian, Vancouver, Washington, July 17, 2003. Cover, pp 8-10.

Row, D.K., “Artsweek”, The Oregonian, Portland, Oregon. June 29, 2003.

Guenther, Bruce, Oregon Biennial Catalogue, Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon. June 2003, pp 14, 46.

Vogt, Tom. “Art Created To Be Touched”, The Columbian, Vancouver, Washington, February 11, 2003, pp. C1, 5.

Sork, Kris. “Pozzi Offers Students and Community a Sea of Creativity”, Directions in Education,
Route 37, Vancouver School District publication, Vancouver, Washington, 2003.

Hovee, Richard. “Sea Things”, The Artistic Traveler, Vancouver, Washington, Nov./Dec. 2002, p. 10.

Compton, Bill. “Four Haseltines”, The Olympian, Olympia, Washington. April 14, 2000, p. 12.

Alec Clayton. “Four Haseltines-It’s a Family Affair”, The Ranger, Tacoma, Washington, April, 2000

Vogt, Tom. “Vancouver Arts Program Gets National Applause”, The Columbian, Vancouver, Washington. March 3, 1999, pp. A1, 11.

Pozzi, Angela H., with Deb Brzoska, “WASL Art Links”, Vancouver School District , Vancouver, Washington, 1999. Educational booklet connecting the Essential Learnings in the arts with reading and math.

Vogt, Tom, “The Human Touch”, The Columbian, Feb. 9, 1997, pp. A1, 7.